Agriculture Result Monitoring Information System

Prime Minister Agriculture Modernization Project (PMAMP) is largest existing project under the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development. This is the only project of the Government of Nepal formulated by the internal vision, internal investment and internal institutional manpower. The project duration is of 10 years starting from FY 2073 to 2082 and the estimated cost of the project is NPR 130 billion. The project has four components; small commercial agriculture production center (pocket) development program, commercial agriculture production center (block) development program, commercial agriculture production  and processing center (zone) development program and large commercial agriculture production and industrial center (super zone) development. Currently the project has 2776 pockets, 336 blocks, 106 zones and 16 super zones throughout the country. Now the pocket and block development programs are being implemented by Ministry of Land Reform, Agriculture and Co-operatives of respective provinces through its satellite offices, Agriculture Knowledge Centre (AKC). However, the zones and super zone development programs are being implemented by 75 Project implementation Unit (PIU) across the country.

PMAMP is implementing web based Agriculture Result Monitoring Information System (ARMIS) with the objectives of managing real time databases of project related activities and its  achievements. This is planned for capturing information across its programmatic areas of super zones, zones, block and pocket for various agriculture sectors activities including cereals, horticulture, fisheries, livestock, vegetables etc.

It also aims to address the needs of the farming community and other related stakeholders (such as service provider, farming entrepreneurs, rural youths, agricultural sector officials, agri-service agencies, etc.) through provision of up to dated information and services of the PMAMP activities through the various delivery channels available in their vicinity. It is expected that ARMIS will assist all of these PMAMP stakeholders in making rational decision for raising farm productivity and farm income, at the same time getting relevant monitoring reports by the Government and policy making officials. 

Agriculture Result Monitoring Information System (ARMIS) is an online cloud based software system developed for Prime Minister Agriculture Modernization Project (PMAMP) in order to monitor and manage all the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) under PMAMP for effective workflow and result monitoring. ARMIS has been planned under three major components.

  1. Information
  2. Workflow
  3. Result Monitoring